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Copyright 2012 BJaimes Photography  Site Design by Elyon Media www.ElyonMedia.com

Photography is a family tradition. Dad and Granddad were both photographers, I followed the tradition during high school and through college coursework in photojournalism which had a real impact in my life. I saw what capturing a memory meant to me and this created a passion to pursue that joy and share it with others. 

I began shooting for a professional studio while doing free- lance work which afforded opportunities to work in various parts of the United States, Mexico and Jamaica. The rich and colorful culture of San Antonio offers all of this and so much more, and has become home to our family and a great location for our Studio.

When we work, you are never rushed. The total focus is on you.  I ask that you have fun, be comfortable and really enjoy your photo experience. Call and let's get started !